McCormick Barstow Participates in CLA’s Legislative Day at the Capital
On March 20, 2019, the California Lawyers Association (“CLA”) held its first Legislative Day in Sacramento.
Speakers included Cory Jasperson (Director of Governmental Affairs, Judicial Council of California), Senator Hannah-Beth Jackson (Chair, Senate Judiciary Committee), Assembly Member Mark Stone (Chair, Assembly Judiciary Committee), Assembly Member Ash Kalra (Member, Assembly Judiciary Committee), Senator Andreas Borgeas (Vice-Chair, Senate Judiciary Committee), and Che Salinas (Chief Deputy Legislative Affairs Secretary for Operations, Governor’s Office). These speakers discussed the legislative process, projects they are working on and bills of particular interest to attorneys in California.
The event was attended by forty attorneys from throughout the state. Representing McCormick Barstow, Herbert A. Stroh attended in his capacity as a member of CLA’s Governmental Affairs Committee and as a member of the Executive Committee of the Trusts and Estates Section.
Following Legislation Day, Mr. Stroh attended a meeting of the Governmental Affairs Committee, which evaluates bills of potential importance to Attorney’s and make recommendations to the CLA Board on whether the association should take a position on these bills.